Promote faster degradation of organic materials such as protein, lipid, carbohydrate, cellulose, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, hydrogen sulfide and phosphate. Reduce BOD, COD and TSS. Aid in settling and decreasing turbidity. Decrease nutrient levels, improves dissolved oxygen and balances algae growth.
ECOBIO play a major role in reducing the (TOM) total organic matter which has very high CFU (colony forming unit). It may take 3 weeks or more to prepare the ponds after harvesting and Using EB there is no need for drying, mechanical collection and removal of the sludge. Significant savings on labor and faster startup of the next cycle. During pond preparation, once the water is treated or settled.
Care should be taken during the grow out period as the product is very high in metabolic activity and it needs optimum oxygen level, need proper management.
Hydrate the recommended dosage of EcoBio in pond water and apply equally all the pond. Preparation of the pond with EcoBio (for organic bottom sludge reduction). Pond preparation protocol.
During culture: Apply EcoBio 100gms for every 100,000 pieces for every five days. Product protocol table during culture with combination is on a separate sheet.